The Eric Moore Partnership Achieves Prestigious RCGP Active Practice Status 

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The Eric Moore Partnership is excited to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious Active Practice status by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). This recognition underscores our commitment to promoting physical activity and enhancing the overall health and well-being of both our patients and staff. 

Understanding the Active Practice Charter 

The Active Practice Charter is an initiative spearheaded by the RCGP to encourage GP practices across the UK to integrate physical activity into their patient care and workplace culture. Achieving this status means that our practice has successfully met the rigorous criteria set forth by the RCGP, demonstrating our dedication to fostering a healthier community. 

Why Physical Activity Matters 

Physical activity is a cornerstone of good health. Regular exercise can: 

  • Prevent Chronic Diseases: Regular physical activity helps prevent conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. 
  • Improve Mental Health: Exercise can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, while enhancing mood and overall mental well-being. 
  • Enhance Quality of Life: Staying active can improve sleep, increase energy levels, and promote a sense of well-being. 

In the current healthcare landscape, promoting physical activity is more crucial than ever. It not only aids in the prevention and management of diseases but also supports mental health, making it an essential part of holistic care. 

Our Commitments as an Active Practice 

As an RCGP Active Practice, we have made several key commitments to support physical activity among our patients and staff: 

  • Encouraging Patients: We will actively signpost patients to various physical activity opportunities and resources. By using physical activity SNOWMED codes, we can track and encourage increased activity levels, helping our patients achieve better health outcomes. 
  • Supporting Staff: We are committed to fostering a supportive environment that encourages our staff to engage in regular physical activity. We believe that a healthy team is more capable of providing high-quality care. 
  • Community Engagement: Our practice aims to collaborate with local organizations and initiatives to promote physical activity within the community. By working together, we can create a broader impact on public health. 

At The Eric Moore Partnership, we believe that promoting physical activity is a vital part of providing comprehensive healthcare. Achieving the Active Practice status is a testament to our ongoing efforts to improve the health and well-being of our community. We are committed to supporting our patients and staff in leading active, healthy lives and look forward to the positive impact this initiative will have. 

For more information about our Active Practice initiatives or to schedule an appointment, please visit our website or contact our reception team. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Suzi Parkinson  

Practice Operations Manager  

Eric Moore Partnership